06 February 2011

Hangout Time, Maki Maki, ETUDE HOUSE ^_^

This is was a yesterday story. Hangout with my beloved student. At first we planned to go to the immigration department,  since Mizah's mum asks to double check for the VISA thingy... So, i sneaked out from office (evil laughs!!) and we went there around 10am.What a day??!! The 'makcik tua' did not do her job well. Like she do not cares the clients. We are really pissed off! Just imagine, the time shows 10.32am... and she still EATING in front of people... What attitude she had?? So, Muez suggested to call e-directory (113) to asks for Thailand embassy's  phone number. GLAD!! we got the number and i called the person and ask about how to visit their country. SYUKUR... no need to apply VISA or what-so-ever! Just need the immigration's stamp over there..
After maki maki 'makcik tua' (hahahaha) we went to Time Square to jalan-jalan lah... apa lagi.... AND... i really fall in love with ETUDE HOUSE products...... ( siapa yg nak kawen dgn saya.. bagi saya set hantaran ETUDE HOUSE please ;) ) hehehe...

OK sambung citer... lepas dah puas ronda-ronda Time Square kat Brunei ni, kitorang pegi isi perut kat Jolibee Airport. Sambil-sambil Qidah, Mizah dan Muez teringin nak menikmati suasana airport! (hahaha diorg dah tak sabar la tu) Lepas mamam kitorang ke The Mall pulak.. ada la cerita kan... MINAH setan tu miscall-miscall si Muez.. Ntah apa dia mau? Tak boleh tengok orang happy kot? Ahh pedulik la.. dia punya pasal.. kitorang gumbira, dia sakit hati lak.... biar lah sakit hati sampai mati! hahaha... Lepas jalan-jalan Mizah pulak nak balik awal, maybe ada date ngan boyfriend die.. So tinggal Qidah and Muez jer. Kitorang masuk semua kedai perfume yang ada. Habis badan penuh dengan minyak wangi. Rasa nak muntah pun ada, hahaha... Lepas dah bosan Kitorang duduk kat GELATO sambil mengumpat! haiyaaa... takde la.. sambil makan aiskrim dan kek SECRET RECIPE.. Lepas tu balik rumah.

P/S : Qidah, Muez, Mizah..... Tq bawa saya jalan-jalan. You guys made my day! Im happy ^_^

Senarai penaja :

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wahhhh seronok bah dia...